Samunnati currently works across 34 value chains providing customised financial and non-financial solutions to various value chain players involved in each of them. This note explains Samunnati’s intervention through solutions like poultry farm loan in Poultry value chain providing various solutions for the players involved.
Poultry value chain
Samunnati has disbursed around $ 8 million via poultry farm loans and more in the Poultry value chain and has done trading worth $ 2 million over the last five years. Samunnati’s poultry intervention includes providing customised financial and non-financial solutions to players such as Poultry Farmer Producer Organisations for poultry production, processing units for mitigating working capital stress, working capital for meat trading units, Egg traders for cash payments, etc.
The financial and non-financial intervention is identified through the value chain mapping done for layers and broilers as shown below.
Layers Value Chain

integrated Broiler value chain

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